We all know the legendary tale behind the Elephant head of Lord Ganesha. However, there’s much more to it. Lord Ganesha in His entirety carries an appearance that woos many hearts and mesmerises them. Such is His figure and interesting, every part of His body has come to symbolize a great meaning through which a learning can be derived.
To begin with, the unique feature of Lord Ganesha is His Elephant Head. The elephant symbolises Gyan Shakti and Karma Shakti, therefore its principal qualities being Wisdom and effortlessness. The head of the elephant has come to signify wisdom and knowledge. As the elephant with the help of his trunk can both uproot a strong tree and pick up a fine blade of a grass, in Ganesha's body, the trunk of Ganesha primarily symbolizes that wisdom which is necessary to differentiate good from bad.
The big belly which we generally identify with Lord Ganesha represents generosity and total acceptance. On observing carefully, we will notice that in most idols, one hand of the Lord is shown upraised, while the other hand is shown facing downward, facing outwards. The upraised hand is a symbol depiction protection, implying the motive of “Fear not, I am with you”. The palm facing outward points towards endless giving and is an indication to bow down which is indicative towards the universal reality that we all ultimately dissolve into earth. The lotus in his hands is a symbol of enlightenment. The other hand that holds hatchet is a symbol of that enlightened soul which has abstained himself from all the material possessions. Further, the large ears of Ganesha symbolizes his acknowledgement of the prayers by his devotees.
Lord Ganesha is always shown with a mouse, his chosen mode of transport. The question is, why the mouse? Mice are known for snipping and nibbling away at ropes that bind things. Therefore, the mouse is like a mantra which can cut through ignorance, leading to ultimate knowledge. It is also believed that since mouse is often called the symbol of greed, hence Ganesha, who rides on a mouse symbolizes that greed should be controlled by the wisdom of a person.
Hence, Lord Ganesha is not only a God with the head of an elephant. The reality to this Lord runs much deeper than this.
Source: https://www.wheresmypandit.com/blog/symbolism-of-lord-ganeshas-body
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